Kujira Domains (KNS) Reservations


We are thrilled to announce the start of the reservation period to claim your personal Kujira domain name! Reservations will be available up until the mainnet launch of Gojira. Some alpha on the side: we have the marketplace running on a private testnet already, so this may come sooner than you think!

This short article covers everything you need to know about our rebrand to Kujira Domains, the process of reserving your name, early testnet access, and other exciting developments.

To understand more about the product and what is being offered, I recommend you check out this article.

Table of Contents

Introducing Kujira Domains

KNS was born from DNS, the original Domain Name System which powers the internet today. The name was chosen to associate this as an evolution of that project, but we’ve found it doesn’t mean much to the average person. We want everything about the protocol to be as intuitive and accessible as possible, so today we announce an official rebrand: Kujira Domains.

We hope you agree the new name is a better fit and more approachable. Along with this, we’re launching our website kujira.domains and Twitter account @KujiraDomains! Make sure to give the new Twitter a follow; we’ll have news, updates, announcements, and other juicy information.

Name reservations

Reserving your name entitles you to mint your personal domain at the lowest possible price. A reserved name can only be minted by the user with a verified claim; no auction and no stress!

Reservations will be open until the mainnet launch of Kujira Domains. The price to mint a reserved name will be the base price for the length (20 USK for a 5+ character handle). Users will have three months from launch to mint a reserved name before the reservation expires and the name is released for auction.

Users who reserve early also get something special: anyone with a valid claim before our public testnet launch will get early access to take the protocol for a spin! Get in soon, we can’t wait to share this with you.

Reservation pricing

Reservations cost nothing but gas and one millionth of a KUJI (the claim transaction had to send something), and the cost to mint a reserved domain is the base price for the name length. That means 20 USK for 5 characters or more, 100 USK for 4 characters, and 500 USK for 3-character names.

After launch, the only way to mint will be via auction so lock in that low price while you can!

The claim process

We made the claim process as easy as possible. First, visit https://kujira.domains/reservations and connect your wallet.

From there, you can claim your domain in 3 simple steps:

  • Register your claim on-chain. When you click ‘Claim’, you’ll be prompted to send a transaction including your desired domain name on Kujira. This registers your claim and proves you are the owner of the reserving wallet.
  • Verify your claim on Twitter. Click ‘Send Tweet’ and you’ll be provided a message including the hash of the transaction you just sent. Post it, and don’t delete it! The Tweet must remain active for a valid claim.
  • Mint your name when we launch! If your transaction exists on chain, your verification Tweet is live, and your handle matches the name you claimed on the day we close reservations, you’re entitled to mint.

And voila, you’re all set! The app will let you know when you’re done, just make sure to follow the instructions.

Please note, a maximum of 3 reservations are allowed per person and are intended for personal use only (commercial use is fine too so long as the claimant intends to use the domain themselves). Anyone who abuses the claim process to squat domains with the intent to resell will have their reservations cancelled.

What’s next?

Kujira Domains will be launching soon, bringing the first native name service to Kujira with NFTs! We have a lot planned, check out the previous article for what we’ve shared already and stay tuned to hear about even more. From this strong foundation, we’ll provide novel use cases and integrations that will knock your socks off.

The next step is a public testnet launch, coming up soon. If you reserve a name early you’ll be one of the first to see what we have in store there. The countdown to mainnet has officially begun!