Weekly Roundup by Team Kujira: Ep.24


Table of Contents

GM Kujirans! As the new week begins, I have to say goodbye to sunny Portugal and hello to dingy old London. After 7 days of red-wine-drinking, Superbock-bottle-sipping, and pork-bifana-eating, it’s back to reality for me… Before we begin the Roundup, let me share what a night with the core Kujira team entails:

  • 3 hours of beers at an Irish pub
  • 2 hours of tapas and red wine
  • 1 hour of drunken wandering through the streets
  • 2 further hours of beer drinking
  • 5 hours of awful sleep
  • 24 hours of feeling hungover

Boy am I glad I only see them a few times a year. Anyway, let’s get into the important stuff! As always, these articles summarize all Kujira-related news over the last 7 days, keeping you up-to-date and informed.

Written by KPeruggi

Maya Protocol X Kujira Integration

First, what is Maya? Maya is a fork of THORChain, enabling cross-chain swaps between native assets. With this Kujira integration, you will be able to swap native assets directly on Kujira without needing to bridge or using wrapped tokens.

On March 7th, 21-day liquidity auctions will begin to farm their native token, CACAO, in order to bootstrap liquidity and allow for mainnet launch in the following weeks. You will also be able to deposit KUJI to farm CACAO too in the later phases, so be sure to follow Maya Protocol on Twitter for more updates.

Native swaps on Kujira is a massive step in the right direction and opens the door to a host of DeFi strategies as well as cross-chain swap fees redirected to KUJI stakers. This one is big!

The Senate Summary

Following the instantiation of the Senate, the members have been hard at work laying out the foundation for what is to come. The team has created a new Twitter account to follow for updates, but I will continue to summarise the points in these articles.

Since being voted in, the focus has been on solidifying the process for Senate coordination, including a weekly meeting, Notion, and Telegram group. Notifications for all new Senate documents, grant proposals and Senate discussions will be posted on the Senate Twitter account, with the majority of community conversations occurring in the Kujira Discord.

The Senate has met 4 times already so far, and are in the process of publishing the Senate Constitution for community feedback, as well as the Grant Application form. They are already in direct discussion with Eris Protocol on their application, and the Kujira community has been busy discussing this in this Discord Channel.

New Team Additions

To lighten the developer load on the core team, Kujira welcomes 3 new builders to the crew:

Welcome to the club! They are already hard at work building key pieces with the Kujira team, and we look forward to showing you what they’ve been working on. With more developers, Kujira’s stellar record for building increases, and it allows the core team to focus on some important products releasing soon.

MARS DCA Strategy on CALC

CALC has now listed the MARS token in their DCA vaults, becoming the only place where users can dollar cost average into MARS. Why use CALC to do so?

  • 100% on-chain
  • Set price triggers
  • Set max buy ceilings
  • Take the emotions out of investing

Be sure to try the vault out for yourself, and join other users in investing nearly $400k in DCA vaults!

Validator Voices: Synergy Nodes

This week, I spoke with Aries from Synergy Nodes — a validator that has contributed *immensely* to the Kujira ecosystem. To learn more about Synergy Nodes, and the work they have undertaken the last few months, read below:

I am Aries from Synergy Nodes. We operate Validator nodes for 10 mainnet chains. We provide core infrastructure support for all these chains, such as API, RPC endpoints, daily automated snapshots, IBC relayers, creating Youtube tutorials for the community, and many more. We are operating multiple IBC relayers between 14 different chains, including Kujira. As soon as Kujira mainnet was launched, we created the channel between Kujira and Axelar. Later, we created channels between Kujira and Juno, Terra V2 specific to CW20 token transfers.

We created the YouTube tutorial on how to migrate Kuji tokens from Terra Classic mainnet to Kujira Harpoon-4 testnet, which was useful for mainnet migration too. Also, we create ICS20-CW20 smart contract on Terra V2 so that we can help Local CW20 token transfers from Terra V2 to Kujira on mainnet. We coordinated with the Local team to achieve this without any issues. We will continue to provide free infrastructure support to all the chains where we validator and also continue to add more services for the community.

We have launched our own Ciento.exchange DEX on Acrechain. This is based on Uniswap V2 smart contracts. We have airdropped CNTO tokens to 9 different chains, including Kujira. We request you to join our Discord so that you can find out if you have received CNTO token airdrop and what you can do with it.

I hope this column informs the community about the types of things that happen behind the scene and highlights the work that validators put into Kujira every single day.

Kuji Kast Corner

The segment you’ve all been waiting for, here’s Maximus:

Yes, we’re back from Portugal what an amazing place to go. You should try them they’ve also got the sun and fun times

Fortunately or unfortunately we paid our friend Duarte a visit.

After showing us around his neck of the woods he sold us on a dream of amazing seafood so we decide yes we shall have seafood. Little did we know that he’d order us sea penis. I’d like to say I enjoyed it but that would be a lie (in all seriousness you’re a top guy). Every trip I try to come away learning something new, what did one learn? Rugs don’t just happen in crypto they happen in real life too.

You’ll be glad to know I didn’t participate in eating fish penis.

Bfit Competition and Beta Testing

If you have applied for the BFIT Founder’s Club and beta-testing, you may have noticed an E-Mail in your inbox this week. If you are one of the lucky few, you can access the beta by clicking the link in the E-Mail, joining 200 users already onboard and testing. The BFIT app is now on testnet and recording claim transactions on-chain from competing in BFIT Leagues.

Each claim is recorded in the user’s wallet and by clicking on “View TX” you can see the transaction on-chain on the Kujira Finder.

BFIT also held a “Flex it” competition last week, giving away 500 $BFIT to 3 winners that replied to a thread with a photo of them working out. This is a great initiative to get people outside and working out, earning rewards while doing so — something BFIT holds close to their hearts. The competition is now closed, and winners have been announced on their Twitter page, make sure to check if you are victorious.

Starting today (Monday 13th), 11 new compete2earn leagues are live and ready for users to compete and earn BFIT rewards. Users earn points by simply exercising (run/swim/ski/yoga), pushing them up the leaderboard, and earning them BFIT in the process. These leagues are available only to beta testers now, but with the full launch of BFIT all Kujira community members can compete to earn tasty rewards. All while getting fitter, not bad right?

Logical Graphs: Strategies to Profit on FIN

Last week we saw something beautiful happen — a community member profiting from a strategy similar to those posted in these articles. Joni managed to profit 30 $KUJI in just two trades by following the formula presented in these pieces by Logical Graphs, but how exactly did he do it?

  1. Set a 200 KUJI limit sell order on the KUJI/LUNA pair at 0.438
  2. Set an 87.53 LUNA limit buy order on the KUJI/LUNA pair at 0.38
  3. Wait, touch grass, enjoy life
  4. Volatility causes both orders to trigger, resulting in a profit of 30 KUJI, meanwhile providing liquidity in FIN’s orderbooks.

A true testament to the community spirit within Kujira and the many ways to profit from FIN’s orderbooks using simple arbitrage strategies like this. Who said the Weekly Roundup had no alpha in it?

Closing Thoughts

Thank you for reading this week’s rendition of the Weekly Roundup and for your continued support of this series. If you wish to contribute to the Weekly Roundup in any way, be sure to DM me on Twitter so that we may discuss possible opportunities. Enjoy your week, and I hope to see you again next time! Ciao.