Our premium dashboard offers a wealth of additional info which helps ORCA users place more effective bids and keep a closer track of their success.
Our friends at Yield Labs have created this video demo:
Table of contents
- How to access the premium dashboard
- Features in the premium dashboard
- Bidding strategy basics
- Becoming a more effective bidder
How to access the premium dashboard
Access to the premium dashboard was is1 gained by staking 5000 $KUJI tokens or more in our single asset governance staking pool, or the equivalent dollar value in the TerraSwap or LOOP LPs that you can see in our BLUE app. There is no additional fee, payment, subscription or cost for the premium dashboard. If you no longer wish to have access, simply unstake your $KUJI.
All ORCA users get automatic access to our simple dashboard, showing a summary of all liquidations, a market indicator showing the likelihood of liquidations happening, and the details of the most recent liquidation event.

Click here to see the premium dashboard.
Features in the premium dashboard
Here’s a run through of what you have access to:
Realtime effective APY

Automatically calculated compound yield from your filled bids. Our bespoke algorithm simulates your re-investment strategy, revealing the true gains made from your participation in the liquidation market.
Compounding returns are an incredibly powerful tool, and we factor in your sale-and-reinvest strategy in the APY calculation.
For example
If you start with $1000 and place it in the 4% pool, at the moment in time when that bid is filled, your profit is 4.26%*.
*This is an often overlooked element to accounting for discounts on ORCA. The profit % is larger than the discount %. Kind of like when you buy 2-for-1 you’re getting a 50% discount, but making a 100% profit.
With your 4.26% profit, you now have $1042.60. If you immediately re-bid on 4% with all of it, when it gets filled for a second time, you make 4.26% on that new amount — your total is now $1087. Your total profit is $87 on your initial investment of $1000–8.7%. Through the miracle of compound growth, if you do this once per month (and consider that the 4% pool has been emptied 81 times in less than 3 months), your $1000 investment grows to $1650 (in a 12 month period). An APY of 65%!
Not everyone sells their bAssets for UST at the moment of execution — in fact we welcome and support the hodlers. The dashboard allows you to manually set an execution price for each bid, at the price you sold it at. If you’re still holding, you can set it to track the market price in real-time.
Realtime loan risk monitor

Keep a close eye on the at-risk end of the loan book, and plan your bidding strategy accordingly.
This helps the user decide where to allocate their bids, and how heavily to weight them.
Your full detailed bid history

View every single bid and every single time your bid was used as part of a liquidation. See detailed breakdowns including the time of execution, amount used, purchase prices and price action. Think of it as a trading journal for liquidations.
View price action at execution

See what really happened at the time your bid was filled. Compare the purchase price to the market price shortly before and after. Knowing the history of price movement will help optimise your swap strategies for better gains.
Track your real gains

Calculate your compound APY based on your real sale prices. Set sale prices to a custom value if you sold, or to the current price if it’s still in your bag.
Historical pool data

Analyze the history of every pool. How many times it’s been used, how many successful bids have been placed in it, what the average purchase price is, and what its current state looks like.
Bidding strategy basics
We believe ORCA is the best dip buying tool on the market and our premium dashboard will certainly help you place better, more effective bids.
Bidding on liquidations is an opportunity to benefit when the market is bearish. A chance to benefit from volatility in both directions. If you’re new to liquidations, here’s some basic concepts to play around with and get started with your liquidation strategy. The ORCA dashboard will assist you in executing all of these and more. These begin simply but can become as elaborate as you desire, or work in tandem to accomplish multiple goals.
1. Rinse and repeat
A simple way to build up your UST. Place your bids, sell your bASSET for a profit, and grow the amount of UST you’re using to bid. It can be risky, particularly when the market is moving very fast, but if you have patience and discipline, over time it’s a very effective way to build up your account.

2. DCA into LUNA
If you’re planning on stacking LUNA long term (or any other bASSET), liquidations are a great way to steadily acquire it at a premium price. Once you do, the easiest use of it is delegating it to a validator, and reaping the rewards. Very low risk, and over time, if you let those rewards compound, very effective.

3. Farming
If you have a long term vision for the future of Terra, earning fees on your LP is a safe way to build your stack without being exposed to too much risk. You can pair your bLUNA with LUNA for an LP that’s almost impervious to Impermanent Loss, or expose yourself to a bit more volatility by providing a LUNA-UST pair. Then you can take the rewards you’ve earned, use them in your bids, and convert them back to LP, which earns you even more rewards. You see where this is going.

4. Bid and borrow
Lastly, there’s the bid and borrow strategy. This one is the most risky of them all, and requires the most attention.
As you know, Anchor allows you to borrow against collateral (which is why ORCA exists) and considering the asset you are bidding on was once collateral, you simply use it to borrow some UST of your own. Which you then use to bid on more bASSETS. Which you then use as collateral for more UST. This can quickly unwind when your loans get liquidated, and you lose all of the bASSETS you worked so hard to acquire.

Becoming a more effective bidder
Whether you’re new to bidding on liquidations or an old hand, the advanced dashboard gives you a lot of ways to become more efficient. It enables you to keep close tabs on your performance, and better means to evaluate past performance. Paired with a clear strategy and some patience, it’s probably one of the most powerful tools at your disposal, and we will continually update and refine it to make it even more useful.

- The Premium dashboard was discontinued when we migrated from Terra to our L1 Kujira network ↩︎