Welcome back to the next installment of PILOT season!
In the first article of this educational series we introduce AutoKujira, discussing how this protocol aims to add to the growing list of applications offered within the Kujira ecosystem before giving readers the opportunity to meet the team behind the product.

Let’s get into it.
Table of Contents
What is AutoKujira?
There’s no doubt about it, the growing list of products within Kujira has made it one of the most promising ecosystems in Web3, full of unique applications, features and opportunities.
However, the creativity of these products is often accompanied by complex UI’s, and whilst this is relatively simple to navigate for experienced users, it can sometimes prove difficult for newcomers, stopping them from fully capitalizing on Kujira’s many offerings.
Thus, as Kujira continues to build these DeFi rails and infrastructure, there will be a need for a more accessible user experience (UX) that is easy to navigate for newcomers.
This is where AutoKujira comes in.
If you’re an active member, you’ve quite possibly come across AutoKujira already, as this is hardly their first rodeo. If you haven’t though, their mission is simple. By streamlining Kujira’s DeFi applications into one simple to use interface with a growing list of features, they aim to remove a large barrier to entry and in doing so, improve accessibility for all.
Although we won’t break down these features until our next article, you can explore what’s already been added to their dashboard here.
Now, who is behind AutoKujira? Let’s take a peek behind the curtain.
Who is AutoKujira?
In the Web3 space, having a fully DOX’d team is of particular significance, promoting accountability and reducing the likelihood of scams as the real identities of the team members are disclosed.
This level of openness, which aligns with Kujira’s philosophy of Grown Up DeFi, enables potential investors to thoroughly evaluate team members’ expertise, track record, and credibility, fostering trust within the community and underscoring the team’s dedication to the project.
So, with that being said, let’s meet the team driving this initiative.
AutoKujira: Meet the Team
Led by a fully DOX’d team that secured first place in the AwesomeWasm Kujira hackathon, AutoKujira brings extensive experience in dApp development to tackle one of the nuances that comes along with Kujira’s synergistic ecosystem – complexity.
This team is comprised of a group of passionate and experienced professionals who have collaborated for decades across various industries, including fintech, e-commerce, sales, and cryptocurrency. Their expertise lies in starting and growing companies, validating concepts through Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), and building scalable software solutions.
In addition to this, they are driven by a commitment to excellence and innovation, and most importantly, a shared love for creating impactful products together.
To find out more about AutoKujira’s team, take a look at their LinkedIn profiles, found below:

Alejandro Raiczyk Gustavo Fuhr Melisa Raiczyk
AutoKujira also benefits from the guidance of several seasoned advisors who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to steer the project towards success with strategic insights.
AutoKujira’s Advisors
The combined expertise of these individuals will ensure that AutoKujira is well-equipped to contribute to the vision of making a comprehensive financial system that is fully inclusive to all.
So, what is the central message of this article?
Closing Thoughts
In the first article of our educational series on AutoKujira, we’ve outlined their mission to simplify the often complex landscape of Kujira’s DeFi applications and make them more accessible to newcomers and seasoned users alike.
We’ve also met the people behind the product, a fully DOX’d team with a wealth of experience, a successful track record and an impressive first place win in the AwesomeWasm hackathon, highlighting how their commitment to innovation, excellence, and transparency will enable them to make a meaningful impact within the ecosystem.
As we continue this educational series, we will delver deeper into the specific features of AutoKujira, its tokenomics, and its roadmap, explaining how this will further enhance Kujira’s growing reach. For now though, I’d recommend taking a closer look at their products/backgrounds, as well as keeping an eye out for our next article, coming soon to WinkHub.
See you soon!
This article is intended to provide insight and educational resources, and should not direct your investment decisions. It is always encouraged to DYOR and come to your own conclusions.
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Kujira Academy is a platform that aims to bridge the gap between young entrepreneurs and Web3, providing them with tangible education and career acceleration opportunities. Built by students, for students. Learn more about the academy and our vision here.
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Written by Kucci