GM & GN Kujirans, we hope you’re doing well.
We want to explain what is going on with Local Money, and what we’ve all been discussing over the last 48 hours. We’ve been working closely with all parties involved, and think we’ve found a way forward that will keep the project running.
The Local team got in touch with us, and explained that they are quite burned out, and that things haven’t been going as they would have hoped. They explained that they are more than happy to hand the project over, but we then had to figure out exactly how.
We then did what we usually do, and tried to kick straight into gear. A few people mentioned MantaDAO, so that was proposed, and in the heat of everything, that ‘news’ got out on Discord. This was merely a suggestion, which MantaDAO then simply floated on Telegram because that’s what DAO’s do. So we want to be clear that the confusion around MantaDAO’s involvement was purely out of a place of trying to solve something important.
Moving on from this point, we have also been speaking to a previous team member of Local, and trying to find the best way forward to keep this wonderful project alive. We want to stress to all of you that anyone that has ever been involved in the creation & development of Local is dying to see it succeed.
With all of this in mind, the Local Money team have agreed to let Team Kujira take full control of access to the protocol while the next phase is finalized. We will act as an intermediary / safeguard until such time as a DAO is created for Local, at which point DAO participants get to decide all key aspects of the protocol. To be clear, when it gets to that point, the protocol will be 100% out of Team Kujira’s hands, and in the hands of the Local DAO. We want to stress that we don’t believe there was any malicious intent in any of this.
We value all builders on Kujira. Past, present and future.
Please give us some time to work out all the finer details.
Thanks for your patience and understanding as always.
Brett, Hans & Dove